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Are You Spiritual Enough?

Writer: JeremyJeremy

One thing I've noticed lately in the spiritual community is the emergence of what I would call "spiritual shaming." There are "leaders" who seem to suggest that if others aren’t following their particular approach, they’re doing it wrong. This attitude mirrors what we often see in organized religion, and somehow, it’s seeping into the spiritual world as well. I liken it to the “gym bros” culture here in the U.S.—people who believe their way is the only way and that they're superior to others in the gym.

The truth is, we all have different paths, methods, and ways of learning. One of the most profound lessons I’ve encountered came to me while I was traveling through Egypt in the late 1990s into 2000. A friend and I were backpacking, and we ended up staying with some locals we met along the way. One night, as happens when you’re immersed in another culture, we began discussing religion and spirituality.

My host said something that stuck with me: “There are many paths and religions. There is Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and many others. Each has its own teachings on how to reach God, but ultimately, there is only one God. It doesn’t matter how you get there, as long as you do.”

Personally, I replace the word "God" with "Spirit." You might substitute it with "Goddess" or another name that resonates with you, and that’s perfectly fine. The important point is that there is no singular "right" or "wrong" way to return to our source.

We’re all here to learn and grow. However, when we start judging others for not living the way we do, we shift from a spiritual mindset back into the material world. If you're more concerned with how someone eats, dresses, or prays than with finding acceptance and connection with the world around you, then you may not be as spiritually aligned as you think.

I’ve fallen into this trap myself. I’ve caught myself judging those who are all about "love and light," participating in drum circles under the moon, charging their crystals. Are these people hurting anyone? No. But my own self-doubt creeps in because I’m not engaging in those practices. Do I need to? Of course not. That’s not my path, and it doesn’t fulfill me spiritually. Instead, I choose to open sacred space, express gratitude, and honor my ancestors and lineage. That is my current path. It’s not better or worse than anyone else’s—it’s just different. There are also people who might mix and match what they learn, this too is human nature. People judge others for not doing it the way it was done thousands of years ago but I bet those who did it thousands of years ago also made changes along the way.

We need to stop tearing others down for how they seek Spirit or Source. Stop judging, and instead, focus inward. Your unique path will lead you where you need to go. Along the way, you may inspire someone to walk beside you, or perhaps you’ll be drawn to follow theirs, and that’s okay. We’re all here to learn and grow together. Be more open and accepting of others and how they practice, and you will find your own practice will grow.



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